Pediatric Emergencies in Florham Park

When your child is having a dental emergency, every moment matters. It’s crucial to give them the care they need as soon as possible. Contact us right away to speak with our team and save that little smile! Unsure if your kiddo is having a dental emergency? Keep reading.

pediatric emergency dental care in Florham Park

Why Should My Child Get Emergency Dental Care?

First, getting emergency dental care gets your child out of pain. Toothaches, broken teeth, and other dental problems can cause serious pain that interferes with school, sports, and more. Getting care from our office will eliminate their pain and let them resume their normal routine. You and your child will also avoid further complications, which can save you both time and money. And most importantly, you’ll get peace of mind, knowing your child’s mouth is healthy once again.

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a smile is worth
1,000 words!

lorem ipsum is simply dummy text for the printing and typesetting industry. lorem ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.

Cutting-Edge Imaging

Better diagnostics means better results. With state-of-the-art digital x-rays we can quickly and accurately assess the dental emergency and create a treatment plan right away.

Problem-Focused Exams

When issues arise, our team can perform problem-focused exams (also known as limited exams) to help address the issues. Limited exams allow us to focus on what’s hurting or injured so we can get your kiddo out of pain fast.

After Hours Phone Line

Dental emergencies don’t always strike during regular business hours. That’s why we offer an after hours emergency line for established patients, so your child can get the care they need, when they need it most.

Same-Day Appointments

During a dental emergency, everything can happen so fast. If your child is in need of immediate care, give us a call right away for a same-day appointment.

Board-Certified Pediatric Dentist

Dr. Amie Shah is proud to be a board-certified pediatric dentist. You can feel confident knowing that your child's smile is in expert hands.

The Benefits of Immediate Emergency Dental Care

Relief From Pain & Discomfort

A broken tooth, a pulled-out crown, a toothache or trauma can cause lots of pain. And the only way to address and eliminate this pain is with proper dental care from an experienced dental professional. Once your child gets treatment at our office, they can get back to their normal routine without pain, crying, and distractions.

Prevent More Complications

As a rule, the longer you wait to get help for your child, the worse their condition can get. For example, if they have a toothache, it’s possible to save the tooth with a root canal if it’s caught early. But if you wait too long, the tooth could become too infected to save. This may lead to tooth loss, or even other serious complications like sepsis, a potentially life-threatening reaction to a serious infection.

Save Time & Money

The sooner you get help, the more affordable your child’s care will be. For example, repairing a small cavity with a filling can be a lot more cost effective than repairing a large cavity with a dental crown or extraction. If you see a dentist as soon as you notice your child’s issue, your budget will thank you!

No items found.

a smile is worth
1,000 words!

lorem ipsum is simply dummy text for the printing and typesetting industry. lorem ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.

Emergency Exam Includes:

Necessary X-Rays
Limited Exam
Treatment Plan

Here when they need it most

No one plans to have a dental emergency, and that’s why we offer affordable emergency exams for kids. There’s no need for your child to wait in pain. Reach out to our team for care today.

The Emergency Dentistry Treatment Process

Call For An Appointment

As soon as you notice your child’s dental emergency, please give our office a call. We’ll discuss your problem with you, and schedule an appointment with your dentist ASAP. We can also give you some tips on how to deal with your emergency until it’s time for your little one’s appointment.

Emergency Exam

Once you come to our office, the dentist will take a look at your child’s mouth. They will get to the bottom of your issue, and determine the right treatment for your child’s condition.

Treating Your Child’s Condition

Every child is different, and so is every dental emergency. Your dentist will evaluate your child’s source of pain, take any necessary x-rays, and make a plan on how to treat your child accordingly. We will be sure to guide you appropriately to get your child back on track!


If your child loses a baby tooth early, this is a serious emergency. The baby teeth help form the paths the adult teeth take when they erupt.

Before & Afters

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Call to reserve your appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do if my child knocks out a tooth?

Knocked-out baby teeth do not get replaced, even if they’re lost prematurely. If it’s a baby tooth, your child will need to come into our office for an exam and x-ray to assess the situation and our team will guide you on how to care for your child after their injury. For an adult tooth, you may need to get help immediately.

If your child has lost an adult tooth, recover the tooth, and put it in a container of cold milk to keep it moist. Then, call our office at 973-210-4910 immediately so that we may guide you on the next steps. Don't spend too much time treating pain or bleeding. Your child’s tooth must be re-planted within 1-2 hours for it to be saved, so time is of the essence. We can treat your child’s pain when they get to our office.

What should I do if my child’s dental work falls out?

Collect the filling, crown, or other piece of dental work and place it in a plastic baggie. Then, call us for a same-day appointment, and make sure to bring your child’s dental work in with you. It may be possible to reattach a crown instead of completely replacing it.

What should I do about a severe toothache?

A severe toothache could indicate that your child has a deep cavity or an infected tooth. You should schedule a consultation at our office right away, as these are both serious dental emergencies that will only get worse without proper treatment.

What should I do if my child has chipped, broken or cracked a tooth?

First, treat their discomfort and bleeding. Then, contact us for a same-day appointment. Even minor tooth damage can cause hairline fractures and these fractures could lead to infections and other complications. After consulting with your child’s dentist, they can determine the best treatment for restoring the damaged tooth, and ensure your child’s smile remains healthy and strong.

What should I do if my child has a loose tooth?

If a baby tooth has come loose and it’s not due to an oral injury, you don’t have to do anything. Baby teeth are meant to fall out eventually, so this is natural.

However, if one of their teeth becomes loose and is bleeding after an oral injury, it may not be ready to fall out yet. The best thing to do is to get a consultation with your child’s dentist to have their mouth examined, and determine whether the tooth can be saved or if it should be replaced with a space maintainer.

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